Critical Incident Support Management (CISM)

What We Do

VEST is dedicated to fostering mental health and emotional well-being through our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and specialized services. Our latest offering, 

Critical Incident Support Management

provides comprehensive support for individuals and organizations facing critical incidents.

What is

Critical Incident Support Management?

Critical Incident Support Management (CISM) is a structured approach designed to help individuals and organizations prepare for, respond to, and recover from critical incidents. These incidents may include traumatic events such as workplace accidents, natural disasters, or violent incidents. CISM aims to mitigate the psychological impact, promote recovery, and enhance resilience.

Why is a

CISM Plan Important?

Having a CISM plan is crucial because it:

Reduces Psychological Impact

Early intervention can minimize the long-term psychological effects of traumatic events.

Supports Employee Well-being

Shows a commitment to the mental health and well-being of employees, which can improve morale and productivity.

Promotes Quick Recovery

Structured support helps individuals and organizations return to normalcy more quickly.

Enhances Resilience

Builds a culture of preparedness and resilience, enabling better handling of future incidents.

1. CISM Planning


Evaluate potential risks and the psychological impact of various critical incidents.


Develop tailored plans that include procedures, communication strategies, and resource allocation.


Provide training for employees and management on how to respond to critical incidents effectively.

2. CISM Management

Immediate Response

Offer on-site support and crisis intervention during a critical incident.


Work with internal and external resources to manage the situation effectively.


Continuously assess the situation and adjust the response as needed.

3. CISM Counseling and Therapy

Individual Counseling

Provide one-on-one sessions with licensed therapists to address personal trauma and stress.

Group Therapy

Facilitate group debrief sessions to support collective healing and shared experiences.

Follow-up Care

Ensure ongoing support and therapy to aid long-term recovery and lasting connection to resources.

Our Framework: V.E.S.T.

VEST’s approach to CISM is grounded in our comprehensive framework

Vigilant in Self-Care & Safety

Encourage and educate employees on the importance of self-care before, during, and after a critical incident. We will provide information for signs to watch for in yourself and your team to keep your people safe.

Engage with Tools

Utilize evidence-based tools and techniques for stress management and emotional regulation.

Sustain through Connections

Foster a supportive community and strong connections within the workplace to provide mutual support.

Transition into Regulation

Guide individuals through the process of regaining control and stability in their lives post-incident.

How CISM Works

1. Pre-Incident Preparation

  • Develop and implement a CISM plan tailored to your organization.
  • Train employees and management on recognizing signs of distress and responding appropriately.

2. During Incident

  • Deploy CISM resources immediately to manage the situation.
  • Provide psychological first aid and crisis intervention.

3. Post-Incident Recovery

  • Offer continued counseling and therapy to those affected.
  • Conduct debriefings and feedback sessions to improve future responses.

Learn more about our CISM services or schedule a consultation